Just show up – Linkedin article

Just Show Up 💪🏾

This week, I went back to the gym. Last year, I put my gym membership on hold because I was up and now. I rejoined and started my sessions this Tuesday. I have been postponing since I paid, but I remembered what my coaching client once told me when a promotion opened up and she felt not ready, “if not now,then when?” I am a runner, it’s easy to lace up and follow the road, that’s if it’s not a marathon 🤣 Yesterday, I felt somewhat discouraged. I wished I never stopped exercising. One of the ladies we gym with is retired, she’s over 60 years, she runs and gyms. She shows up daily and exercises with perfection. She said to me, “Lisa, it’s tough, but you need to show up daily and do what needs to be done, eventually, you will get there.”